Community Survey 2024

Thanks for having your say!  Overall satisfaction with the Toowoomba Regional Council in 2024 was in line with the result from a similar study in 2019, and in line with the average Queensland re...

Cultural Strategy

Connecting through Creativity - Toowoomba Region Cultural Strategy 2023 - 2028, a strategy to strengthen arts, culture and heritage throughout the Region was endorsed by Toowoomba Regional Council on ...

Planning Scheme review final report

A planning scheme is a document prepared by a local Council to regulate the use and development of land. The Planning Act 2016 requires that a local government review its Planning ...

Road safety strategy

Our Road Safety Strategy 2024 - 2028 will guide our community in reducing road crashes and make our magnificent Region a safer place to live and visit. This Strategy provides a way forward to imp...

Toowoomba Region International Relations Strategy

The International Relations Strategy is our key strategic document to guide the development of international relationships that promote Toowoomba Region as an internationally connected region, leverag...

Flood study reports

We are committed to the goal of a Safer, Stronger, More Resilient Region by continuing to improve flood management and community awareness of flood risk. This means building a region that is financial...

Recreational Vehicle Strategy

  The Recreational Vehicle Strategy provides a direction for the provision of camping options for recreational vehicle use within the Toowoomba region and recommends changes to local laws and th...

Bridge Street Quarry Feasibility Study

We engaged KPMG, in partnership with geo-technical engineering firm and quarrying experts EcoRoc and urban planning firm Urbis, to undertake a feasibility study to investigate possible ...

Access & Equity Plan 2016-2021

The purpose of the Access & Equity Plan is to Council with a framework to guide decision making and to determine Council’s role in providing services and facilities to make Toowoomba region an i...

Toowoomba Region Aerodromes 2018 - 2028

Our aerodromes operations team manage four aviation facilities in the region including Toowoomba City Aerodrome, Pittsworth and Millmerran aerodrome and the helicopter landing spot at Crows Nest. ...

Street Tree Masterplan & Street Tree Species List

Street Tree Masterplan The Street Tree Masterplan has received industry accolades for its vision to protect and enhance the diverse streetscape character of the region. Named joint winner of the 2012...

Toowoomba Region Economic Development Strategy

The Bold Ambitions 2038: Toowoomba Region Economic Development Strategy is a blueprint for enhancing the vibrancy, liveability and economic sustainability of the Toowoomba region. The intent...

Building & Development Activity Report

The latest Building & Development Activity Report was published in April 2022.  

Toowoomba Region Sustainable Transport Strategy

We're committed to ensuring the sustainable development of transport in our Region. The economic strength of our Region, the health and welfare of our residents and the state of the env...

Toowoomba Region Trails Network Strategy 2016

The Toowoomba Region Trails Network Strategy 2016 (TRTNS) has been developed following detailed community consultation, investigation and auditing of the existing trails network, review of current gap...

Toowoomba City Centre Master Plan

  You can view the City Centre Master Plan below, as well as the Implementation Plan and the Sustainability Report. If you require a hard copy, please contact us. Related documents Toow...

Toowoomba Regional Housing Strategy

The Toowoomba Regional Housing Strategy provides the background research and investigations undertaken to determine the role Toowoomba Regional Council should play to ensure the housing market in...

Tourism & Events Strategy 2016- 2020

The Toowoomba Regional Tourism and Events Strategy has been developed for the Toowoomba Regional Council to provide a clear direction for the development of tourism through to 2020. The state goa...

Gowrie Creek Catchment Management Strategy

The Toowoomba community witnessed devastating and distressing flooding along the Gowrie Creek system in January 2011. Graphic footage of raging torrents causing substantial damage and inunda...

Waste Infrastructure Plan

The core motivation of the Waste Infrastructure Plan is the delivery of the three key goals defined in the Waste Management Strategy: optimise service levels increase diversion (of waste from ...