Cressbrook spillway

Each year the annual report provides important information of our achievements, challenges and performance in implementing the corporate plan and delivering our vision.

Current report - 2023/24

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2023/24 (PDF for printing)



Mayor's report

Fair, timely and untied funding from the State and Commonwealth Governments is what our Council needs if we are to deliver the services and facilities that our growing communities demand and deserve.

Local governments across Australia are under immense pressure balancing growth with liveability, while managing ageing infrastructure across our road, wastewater and water networks.

Council’s management of an asset base valued at almost $7 billion, highlights the extent of the financial challenge confronting our Council.

Against this backdrop, the Queensland Treasury Corporation in April 2024 completed its credit Review of Council.

It was pleasing to note that despite escalating costs and a large capital program, Council’s credit rating was affirmed as Sound with a Neutral outlook.

Council is focussed on delivering several multigenerational projects in this four-year term.

Top of the list is the $270 million, State Government legislated Cressbrook Dam Safety Improvement Program.

We continued to deliver the Flood Recovery Program works, which are valued at almost $300 million (with the assistance of joint funding from the Australian Government and Queensland Government under the Disaster Relief and Recovery Funding Arrangements).

Our longer-term strategic work included the progression of a new Planning Scheme that will set the platform for future growth and job opportunities. There will be further opportunities for community consultation across the Region.

In the 2023/24 financial year, Council spent $231.14 million locally, in a further sign of our determination to support our Region’s businesses and their employees.

The record figure represented 59% of the organisation’s spending with local suppliers for the financial year, which was just shy of our 60% stretch target.

Council continues to be challenged by the rising cost of materials and services. The lack of the expected pre-payment of the financial assistance grant of $4.7 million has significantly affected the end of year result.

Council generated an operating deficit in the order of $12.1 million for the financial year ending June 30, 2024, indicating the challenges around funding and delivery of major infrastructure projects.

While a deficit was recorded, it is noted that our audited five-year average of 0.15% is above the required target (0%). During this five-year period, three years recorded deficits, and as such, highlight the precarious situation Council finds itself in with balancing the funding and delivery of major, multi-year infrastructure projects.

The 2023/24 financial year ushered in a new term of local government following the official swearing in of the new Council in early April 2024.

We endorsed a new Councillor portfolio structure to enhance our strategic decision making.

We will continue advocating for funding from the State and Commonwealth Governments, however this source of revenue continues to be reduced each year, which compounds our challenges.

Local government would prefer to see the Federal Financial Assistance Grants restored to at least 1% of national taxation.

I acknowledge and thank my elected colleagues and all Council staff for contributing to another productive year while progressing projects and delivering services across our Region.


Geoff McDonald

Mayor, Toowoomba Regional Council



CEO's report

The 2023/24 Annual Report once again provides a comprehensive overview of the activities, achievements and challenges faced by Toowoomba Regional Council during the reporting period.

It provides not only a snapshot of the financial health of the organisation, but also an evaluation of Council’s capability, effectiveness and performance across a broad range of services and operations.

Major projects and initiatives delivered by Council this year included the Pierce Street Safe Active Street project, Pittsworth Aerodrome Resurfacing and Lighting Project, construction and official opening of the Millmerran Aquatic Centre, weighbridge constructions at Clifton, Goombungee and Millmerran Waste Management Facilities, installation of 29,624 SMART water meters, the West Creek Cycleway project and the Clifton Sewerage Treatment Plant.

During the year we saw our major event, the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers, crowned once again as the best major festival in the country after taking gold at the Australian Tourism Awards. This follows national wins in the same category 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Council elections were conducted in March 2024, and I would like to thank newly elected Councillors for hitting the ground running and for the continued support and strategic leadership of Mayor Geoff McDonald.

Council is one of the largest employers in the Toowoomba Region and we are proud of the lead role we play in creating professional pathways for our people with Council continuing to deliver its Management and Leadership Capability Framework, which is designed to empower our managers and supervisors to lead their teams in the best possible way.

The pressure on local government to deliver key services, respond to rapid technological changes and invest in asset and construction renewal has never been greater.

The added impost of rising costs of living are also having significant impacts on our operations with Council continuing to shoulder many cost increases on behalf of our ratepayers, providing value-for-money services and supporting local businesses.

During the reporting period Council spent $231 million with local suppliers. This represented a local spend of 59% of our total expenditure, all but meeting our target of 60%.

I am pleased that Council has been recognised by Queensland Treasury Corporation as continuing to have a sound financial position as we continue to pivot and ready the organisation for some large-scale projects on the horizon such as the $270 million Cressbrook Dam Safety Improvement project.

Libraries, art galleries, pools, parks, gardens, sporting fields, community halls, safe roads, sustainable drinking water and regular waste removal are services we often take for granted, and I would like to acknowledge Council staff for the key role they play in delivering these vital services.

I also thank the Executive Leadership Team and staff for their dedication and commitment to delivering services to our community each and every day.

The 2024 Community Survey also provided a pathway for feedback to shape our decision making on our future service and operations as we continue to collaborate, build and work with our residents and stakeholders.

I encourage all members of the community to participate in these community engagement activities when they become available. Your valuable feedback will help us to continue to deliver the outcomes needed to grow our wonderful Region and lifestyle.

I look forward to continuing to work with our community to ensure the Toowoomba Region maintains its enviable reputation as a desirable place to live, work and prosper.


Brian Pidgeon

Chief Executive Officer, Toowoomba Regional Council

Councillors and their portfolios

Details about each of our current Councillor's and their portfolios are available online. Former Councillors included: Cr Paul Antonio (Mayor), Cr Megan O’Hara Sullivan and Cr Nancy Sommerfield.

More information can be found from page 10 of the full report about our advisory committees, meeting attendance, Councillor remuneration and expenses, resolutions made, Councillor travel and conduct (complaints), expenditure on grants, beneficial enterprises, community leases, summary of concessions for rates and charges, invitations to change tenders and the report on the internal audit.

Our executive leadership team

 Brian Pidgeon

Brian Pidgeon - Chief Executive Officer

Business, Transformation & Strategy
Governance & Legal Services.

 Ann Marie Johnston Ann-Marie Johnston, General Manager - Finance & Business Strategy

Customer Communication & Engagement
Financial Services
Information & Communication Technology
People Culture and Engagement.

 Jaek Passier  Jaek Passier, General Manager - Water & Waste Services*

Strategic Water Planning & Capital Delivery
Water Infrastructure Services
Water Operations
Waste Services.

*Damian Platts - General Manager until 11 December 2023.

 Mike Brady  Mike Brady, General Manager - Infrastructure Services

Construction & Maintenance
Fleet & Logistics
Project Services
Transport & Drainage Planning.

 Nick Hauser

Nick Hauser, General Manager - Environment & Community Services

Community Development, Facilities & Tourism
Environmental & Regulatory Services
Library & Cultural Services
Parks & Recreation
Property Services.

Nikola Stepanov

Nikola Stepanov (from October 2022), General Manager - Planning & Development

Development Engineering & Plumbing Services
Development Services
Regional Architecture & Heritage
Strategic Planning & Economic Development.

More information can be found from page 20 of the full report about our executive remuneration and overseas travel as well as administrative action complaints, penalty infringement notices, competitive neutrality complaints, registers kept and controlled entities.


Five goals drive what we do to responsibly deliver services to the Toowoomba Region community. Performance measures provide a means of monitoring progress towards achieving Council's goals and outcomes.

Read more detail in the full report from page 25.


Goal 1 - People

Council supports a safe, healthy and engaged region. We create opportunities for people to connect and belong. We are proud of our unique and diverse communities.

Result: 98%.


Goal 2 - Place

Council supports sustainable and innovative practices to conserve our valuable natural assets and rich agricultural land. Our environment is protected for future generations to enjoy.

Result: 81%


Goal 3 - Sustainability

Council integrates good planning and sustainable infrastructure networks to enhance our communities. Our infrastructure is well-maintained and enables growth into the future.

Result: 96%.


Goal 4 - Prosperity

Our Region has a strong and diverse economy. Flourishing businesses and industries attract and retain employment opportunities. Rich traditions and bold ambitions continue to drive our Region.

Result: 90%.


Goal 5 - Performance

Our diverse Region’s values are reflected through ethical decision-making and good governance. Our approach to improvement and innovation enhances customer experience.

Result: 96%.

Financial report and statements

The purpose of the Community Financial Report is to give community members an easy to follow summary of Council’s financial statements in accordance with Section 179 of Local Government Regulation 2012.

Council’s financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis, meaning that most transactions are recognised when the event, or performance obligation, occurs rather than when cash is physically received or paid.

Council’s financial statements must be certified by both the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer as 'presenting fairly' Council’s financial results for the year. They are also required to be adopted by Council – ensuring both responsibility for and ownership of the financial statements by management and elected representatives.

In addition, Council’s financial statements are audited by the Queensland Audit Office. The auditor provides an audit report which gives an opinion on whether the financial statements are fairly presenting Council’s financial performance and position.

This report focuses on:

  • Statement of Comprehensive Income
  • Statement of Financial Position
  • Statement of Changes in Equity
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Measures of Financial Sustainability.

More information can be found from page 38 of the full report for the Community Financial Report and from page 44 of the full report for the General Purpose Financial Statements.


Previous reports

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2022-2023 PDF (for printing)

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2021-2022 PDF (for printing)

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2020-2021 PDF (for printing)

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2019-2020 PDF (for printing)

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2018-2019 PDF (for printing)

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2017-2018 PDF (for printing)

Toowoomba Regional Council Annual Report 2016-2017 PDF (for printing)