Respect Our Staff

Our staff are the heart and soul of Council and help keep our beautiful Region operating. They’re the people who answer your questions, provide access to running water, organise our waste, keep our roads safe and maintain our parks and gardens year-round.

Unfortunately, throughout the past four years, we’ve seen the number of incidents to our staff increase.

  • Between 2020 and 2024, reported incidents of aggression towards Council employees have increased by 136%.

Since 2020, 27 employees have been exposed to actual physical violence, with nine of those incidents occurring in the 2023-2024 financial year alone, with two incidents already since the start of July.

  • Already this year, there have been 15 incidents of aggression from members of the public.

Cases of aggression against employees can have a significant impact on their psychological well-being.

Remember, there is a person behind every job. Choose respect!

Together, let’s try to make our community a little kinder!


What our staff are responsible for.

Our staff help take care of our Region! They’re responsible for operating, maintaining, upgrading, improving and serving:

1,832km of water pipeline

66,193 water connections

13 libraries

575 parks

6,542km of sealed and unsealed roads

600km of footpaths and cycleways

180,500 customer requests per year

and more!


Hear our stories

Brooke’s story

Sam's story

Adam's story

Related Links and information:

Local Government Act 2009

Local Government Regulation 2012

Local Law No 1 (Administration) 2020 (section 21)

Human Rights Act 2019

Work Health and Safety Act 2011