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We began to strategically plan flood mitigation and consult with the community in 1998 when the Gowrie Creek Catchment Management Strategy was first developed. In 2007 the updated Gowrie Creek Flood Risk and Mapping Study was created.
The tragic events of 2011 again saw the need to review and update previous studies.
The East Creek Masterplan (ECMP) was prepared which identified a range of flood mitigation options including detention basins, culvert and/or road crossing upgrades and channel works in critical areas.
Completed in December 2013, Clewley Park was upgraded with a 16 megalitre water detention basin and park facilities. Improvements to the water channel and provision of a spillway wall assists to temporarily slow water as it moves downstream from the basin to James Street. It will help protect homes and businesses in central Toowoomba from floods and was built to withstand up to a one-in-100 year rain event, notwithstanding severe localised flooding.
Clewley Park was funded partly by TRC and partly under NDRRA (Natural Disasters Relief and Recovery Arrangements) as a category B flood mitigation project. Total project cost was $6 million, of which $2.5 million was from NDRRA ($1.875 million federal and $625,000 state) and $3.5 million from Council.
The Outer Circulating Road (OCR) consists of a network of roads forming a loop around Toowoomba's City Centre. Benefits include:
Planning is under way for the upgrade of the East Creek – Ruthven Street culvert. We have commenced the detailed design phase of the project. Construction is expected to begin mid-2015 and is scheduled to be completed by November 2015.
The existing culvert structure, where Ruthven Street crosses East Creek, will be upgraded and a new drainage structure will be installed on the southern side of the existing culvert.
This $4.48 million project, which is part of the East Creek Master Plan, is being funded by the State Government, with $2.68 million through the Royalties for the Regions program and Council providing the balance.
A new stormwater network will be installed in Goggs Street, as part of West Creek channel works to provide improved flood mitigation. Upgrades to the channel involve constructing a retaining wall on the eastern side and provision of new pedestrian and cycleway facilities.
Ballin Drive Park will see part of the park landscaped to provide a detention basin approximately 40ML in size. The project will also provide new pedestrian and cycling paths, upgrades to the playground and revegetation of native species. The project will improve flood immunity downstream in the CBD by reducing the peak flow of water.
Garnet Lehmann Park has been landscaped to provide a detention basin approximately 70ML in size. The project also provides new culverts at South Street, relocation of a sewer main, new pedestrian and cycling paths and revegetation of native species. The project will work with the detention basin at Ballin Drive to further reduce flooding at Ruthven by 30% in a nominal 1-in-100 year flood.
The Toowoomba Flood Early Warning System has been designed to provide advanced warning that the city's creek water levels are likely to cause flooding. The alerts of imminent flooding will go to the city's emergency services and allow them to better manage such situations. The system also triggers changes to traffic lights to stop motorists from crossing flooded roads. The Flood Early Warning System has been jointly funded by the State Government and Toowoomba Regional Council.
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