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Efficient water use by the whole community is essential to securing water supply for the long-term. This guideline refers to operators using water from the reticulated (town) supply system to undertake washing of standard vehicles at fixed commercial premises. This includes, but not limited to:
It is critical that operators involved in washing standard vehicles at fixed commercial premises include water use efficiency and advances in technology in their business planning. In addition, operators should continue to upgrade to the most water efficient equipment as soon as it becomes economically feasible.
The objective of this guideline is to provide advice on:
This guideline complements the Water Efficiency Guidelines for Mobile Vehicle Washing and Detailing and Large Vehicle Washing.
All operators must:
*applicable to mixed-business use premises where vehicle washing makes up a significant amount of the total volume of water used on the premises. A significant amount of water is defined as:
Note: Premises with water use of 10ML or greater per year must wash vehicles in accordance with this guideline and an approved Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP).
Certifying targets
Operators must have their water usage targets certified by a Water Efficiency Assessor (WEA). A WEA is a person competent to assess, identify and assist in the implementation of measures or actions to use water efficiently within the business/industry and who has relevant industry experience/expertise and is trained to undertake water audits and/or assess water efficient technologies and performance, using a verifiable system or in accordance with a water rating scheme, acceptable to Toowoomba Regional Council as the Water Service Provider (WSP).
Operators will need to satisfy themselves that the person engaged meets the above criteria.
To make a submission to Toowoomba Regional Council as the local WSP, operators will need to provide thefollowing:
Note: Toowoomba Regional Council as the local WSP has the power to audit compliance of the vehicle washing premises without giving prior notice.
Each type of vehicle wash on a site must be assessed separately. Each target has been set after extensive research and is listed below (Table 1) with a description. These targets indicate the most efficient water use from the reticulated (town) supply system, supplemented by alternative water sources.
Table 1: Water use targets
To ensure the performance targets are met, even after compliance is demonstrated, equipment must be maintained and kept in good condition.
Note: any new machines must be assessed and validated by a Water Efficiency Assessor. A submission demonstrating compliance must then be submitted to Toowoomba Regional Council as the Water Service Provider prior to operation within the council boundaries. All operators must remember that failure to comply with any or all of the criteria within this guideline will result in the business not being able to operate the noncompliant section of the vehicle washing facility.
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