Information 002

A removal building is:

  • the removal and/or demolition of a building or structure, whether for rebuilding at another site or not.
  • the rebuilding of a building or structure relocated from another site.
  • relocating and rebuilding of a building within the same property.

Removal buildings include, but are not limited to, established existing houses, buildings, manufactured transportable homes, demountable buildings and dongas, sheds, commercial buildings, houses in holding yards.

If a dwelling is proposed to be moved outside of the Toowoomba Regional Council area, contact the relevant Council to obtain their requirements.  


Development applications required to remove or demolish a building

To remove or demolish a building, there are several application processes to consider. Please note that each of the different application processes has different requirements, including application forms, and timeframes.

Town planning

There are some properties within the Toowoomba Region which are identified as being a State Heritage Place, a Local Heritage Place, or a Neighbourhood Character Place. Total or partial demolition of one of these properties will generally trigger an Impact assessable Development Application. Council’s Planning Scheme Interactive map service can assist you in determining if your property is listed as a Heritage or Neighbourhood Character Place.

Bond assessment

Under the 'Planning Act 2016', Council is required to act as a ‘concurrence agency’ where a building is being removed or demolished. Council needs to make an assessment of the building to determine whether a security bond will be held until the work is completed.

Building works application

Demolishing or removing a building or structure will generally always trigger a building works application which can be lodged either with Council’s building certification section or with a private building certifier.

Plumbing and drainage application

When removing or demolishing a building that has plumbing and drainage connected, it’s important that the drains are sealed properly. A licensed plumber must complete the work and can assist in determining the best place to seal the drains on the site.


Development applications required to place or relocate a building on your property

Rebuilding or re-establishing a building on a site, which has been removed from another site or placing a demountable building or donga on a site will also trigger several different application processes. Please note that each of the different application processes have different requirements and timeframes.

Town planning

Depending on what you plan to use the building for, e.g. residential or commercial, there may be requirements under the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme. Council’s Technical Advice Officers can assist in determining whether a planning application is required.

Bond assessment

Under the Planning Act 2016, Council is required to act as a ‘concurrence agency’ where a building that has been removed from another site and is being rebuilt or re-established. Council needs to make an assessment of the building to determine whether a security bond will be held until the work is completed.

Setbacks on the site

Generally, building work on most properties in the Toowoomba Region will need to comply with the setbacks prescribed under the Queensland Development Code. The exception to this is where the removable building is proposed to go onto a property that is zoned ‘Rural’. For properties located in the ‘Rural’ zone, setbacks are prescribed under the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme. You can check the zoning of your property on Council’s Development.i tool.

If you are proposing to place a building within a prescribed setback, you may need to obtain a siting discretion from Council.

Building works application

Rebuilding a building or structure, which has been removed from another site, will generally always trigger a Building Works Application. A Building Works Application can be lodged either with Council’s Building Certification section or with a Private Building Certifier. The bond is required to be paid prior to a Building Work approval being issued.

Plumbing and drainage application

When connecting new plumbing and drainage work, either to Council’s reticulated sewer or to an on-site sewerage treatment system, a plumbing application must be submitted to Council. The plumbing and drainage must be approved for septic sites prior to the building work.


How to make the applications

Town planning

If a town planning development application is required, applicants need to be aware that all relevant codes within the 'Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme' need to be addressed and compliance met. This type of application can only be lodged to Council.

An application fee is required to make an application. The applicable fees can be found in Council’s Planning and Development Fees and Charges Schedule which can be found in the Planning and Development fees and charges.

Where an application for development approval is required, applicants need to submit a properly made application.

Bond assessment

A bond assessment concurrence agency response must be lodged for the property the building is being removed from, and for the property the building is being moved to. This type of application can only be lodged to Council.  There is a different form and fee applicable for each application.

If Council determines that a bond is applicable, it must be paid to Council before any work commences. Once the work is completed, Council will inspect the building via written request to ensure the work is finished. If Council is satisfied that the building is complete, the bond can be refunded at that point. More than 2 inspections will require a re-inspection fee to be paid.

The application forms are available online.

The applicable fees can be found in Council’s Planning and Development Fees and Charges Schedule which can be found in the Planning and Development fees and charges

Building works application

A building works application can either be lodged to Council, or a private building certifier. An application must be lodged for both demolition/removal of a structure, and for rebuilding/re-establishing of the structure.

Council has provided an information sheet, outlining the type of documentation that is required to be submitted for a re-build/re-establish of a building or structure: Building - Dwelling rebuild class 1a checklist CL 018 (for print).

To obtain the application fees for a building application from Council, you can contact Council’s building certification section directly on 4688 6828.

Plumbing and drainage application

A plumbing and drainage application must be lodged to Council to establish new drainage at a property. This application must have regard for whether reticulated sewer is available. If no sewer is available, a suitable on-site sewerage disposal system will be required on the property. Council has provided an information sheet, outlining the type of documentation that is required to be submitted for a new plumbing and drainage application: Plumbing application - submitted plans checklist (CL 008).

Depending on where the drainage is sealed, the work can either be done under a Form 1 - Compliance Assessment or a Form 4 - Notifiable Minor Work.


Next steps after application lodgement

After your application is lodged, Council will assess it in accordance with procedures outlined under the Planning Act 2016, Building Act 1975, Queensland Development Code, Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002, Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme, and other relevant pieces of legislation.

Please note that all approvals will need to be obtained prior to removing/demolishing/rebuilding/drain sealing.  


Further approvals required

There may be further applications required depending on the property itself, and if there are any specific requirements relating to that site. There may also be approvals required to move heavy or wide loads on a truck. Currently this process is regulated by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.


Further information

For further specific information about removable building requirements, please contact Council’s Technical Advice Officer's on 131 872 or visit your nearest Customer Service Centre.



The information contained in this article is a guide only. This information has been prepared by Toowoomba Regional Council to help people gain an understanding of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme and other relevant legislation requirements.  Please consult the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme for detailed information including maps (zones, local plans, overlays and priority infrastructure plan), provisions and policies. The content of this information sheet is not intended to replace the provisions of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.


Related information


Planning and building forms

QBCC plumbing forms

Plumbing application - submitted plans checklist CL 008 (PDF for print)

Plumbing application - drawing service checklist CL 009 (PDF for print)

Building - Dwelling rebuild class 1a checklist CL 018 (PDF for print)

Development - Referral agency response building works assessable against the Building Act for a discretion/concession building form APP 005 (online) - registration required

Development - Referral agency response building works assessable against the Building Act for the Planning Scheme form APP 005 (online) - registration required

Development - Referral Agency Response building works assessable against the Building Act APP 005 (for print)

Building - Removal dwellings and buildings information sheet INFO 002 (PDF for print)