Once Council is satisfied that the submitted application and documentation meets the relevant legislative requirements and standards, a permit will be issued to the applicant and the owner. A permit for plumbing and drainage work advises of the conditions of the approval, enabling the regulated plumbing and drainage work to commence in accordance with the approved plans. The works must not commence until a permit is issued.

The responsible person for the application will contact Council to arrange for the work to be inspected.   

Responsible person for plumbing work

The responsible person is a licenced person for the work and the person who performs, directs the performance of, or supervises the work. The responsible person (or someone directly employed by them) is the only person who can call an inspection.

Plumbing Inspections

Inspections are required to be booked by the responsible person at each of the stages of regulated work indicated in their permit. A copy of the approved plumbing plans must be on the site at the time of the inspection to ensure work is completed as per the approval and any changes must be marked up on the plans before the inspector arrives.

The following stages of work must be assessed for compliance by Council’s Plumbing Inspectors to ensure the works have been completed in accordance with the approval:

  • Under-slab Inspection (sub-drain)
  • Stack/elevated pipe work that is to be covered
  • Drainage (sanitary house drain)
  • Water services (rough in)
  • Final (final inspection when all work is complete and prior to occupation)

Only a licenced plumber/responsible person can request an inspection. At least 48 hours notice must be given prior to the inspection date.

  • If council has not been notified of the responsible person, a Form 7 will need to be submitted prior to the inspection being booked. The Form 7 is available from the Department of Housing and Public Works FORM 7

How to book an inspection

The responsible person can make an inspection booking by any of the following methods:

Information needed to book an inspection

  • A plumbing compliance assessment/approval number
  • Property description details/address relating to the property where the inspection is required
  • The responsible persons(plumber) name and details

A Final Inspection Certificate is issued at the completion of final inspection undertaken by a Plumbing Inspector. It indicates/confirms the plumbing work that has been carried out on the property in accordance with the approval. 

A copy is sent to the property owner, the applicant and the responsible person (plumber).

All plumbing work is inspected throughout construction. In most circumstances, as-constructed plans must be provided to Council during this process, including all new commercial permits and any approvals that had submitted plans.

As-constructed plans should be lodged as quickly as possible once the drains have been installed. Final Inspections will not be booked unless as-constructed plans have been received by Council. This is to allow Council’s Plumbing Inspectors to issue a Final Inspection Certificate whilst in the field, if all items on the final inspection are satisfactory.

A compliance certificate (certificate of inspection) is issued at the completion of final inspection undertaken by a Council plumbing inspector. It indicates the plumbing work that has been carried out on the property. 

A copy is sent to the property owner and the applicant. 

All commercial plumbing installations should request a compliance certificate, as the building certifier may require this document to issue clearance certificates.

Related documents

Further assistance

For further specific information about booking a plumbing and drainage inspection contact the Plumbing and Drainage Section on 131 872 or visit your nearest Customer Service Centre.