Some alterations and additions to dwellings and commercial buildings may be done as notifiable work plumber self-certification (Form 4 - see link to forms in Related information), meaning that no Council approval is required. All new buildings will require permit work plumbing approval from Plumbing. Other approvals that may be required are planning approvals, building approvals or siting variations.

Building work over or adjacent to any Council service (sewer, stormwater or reticulated water system) may require additional provisions to protect the infrastructure.

Seek advice from Council before plumbing work commences.

Using licensed plumbers and drainers is the most effective and simplest way of ensuring that plumbing work complies with regulations to minimise unnecessary risk to your family's health and safety. Fixing defective or non-compliant work can be far more expensive than the original cost. As a consumer, using an appropriately qualified plumber or drainer will help protect you and your family.

Items listed as unregulated plumbing and drainage work do not require council approval or notification. No licence is required to perform these works, which include the following.

Sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage:

  • Cleaning or maintaining ground level grates to traps on sanitary drains
  • Replacing caps to ground level inspection openings on sanitary drains
  • Maintaining an above or below ground irrigation system for the disposal of effluent from an on-site sewerage facility.

Water plumbing:

  • Installing or maintaining an irrigation or lawn watering system downstream from an isolating valve, tap or backflow prevention device on the supply pipe for the irrigation or lawn watering system
  • Replacing a jumper valve or washer in a tap
  • Changing a shower head
  • Replacing, in a toilet cistern, a drop valve washer, float valve washer or suction cup rubber.

Even if you aren’t a licenced plumber or drainer you will still need to ensure you have met the minimum standards of work under the legislation and codes.

All other plumbing and drainage works need to be carried out by a licensed plumber or drainer. This is law prescribed by the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018.

Minor work is plumbing work that must be performed by a licenced plumber or drainer, but it does not need Council approval or be self-certified by the plumber/drainer. Minor work is defined in the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019 . For example:

  • Work necessary for maintaining, repairing or replacing a fitting or fixture
  • Work necessary for maintaining or repairing an apparatus other than a backflow prevention device or thermostatic mixing valve
  • Work necessary for replacing apparatus other than a backflow prevention device, thermostatic mixing valve, tempering valve, water heater, cistern, pump or water meter
  • Work necessary for maintaining, repairing or replacing fire hydrants or fire hose reels
  • Unblocking a pipe that is sanitary plumbing or sanitary drainage.

Notifiable work

Notifiable work means plumbing or drainage work prescribed under the 'Schedule of notifiable work'. This means that you do not require a Council plumbing approval, but your plumber will need to notify the Queensland Building and Construction Commission that the work has been undertaken and certify that it was carried out in accordance with the relevant codes and standards.  For example, this would include :

  • Emergency work
  • Repairing or replacing a plumbing or drainage pipe that is broken or damaged, but not if the work involves repairing a pipe or drain at a connection point or replacing more than 6m of a pipe or 3m of a drain
  • Other work of a minor nature related to, and reasonably necessary for, repairing plumbing or drainage
  • Work necessary for replacing a tempering valve, water heater, cistern, pump or water meter
  • Work necessary for maintaining, repairing or replacing a backflow prevention device or thermostatic mixing valve
  • Work temporarily installed downstream of a backflow prevention device if the work remains in place for less than 4 weeks
  • Repairing or replacing a greywater treatment plant.

Pool filters that require a plumbing application

Sand type filters are required to discharge to sewer. This requires a Form 4 to be lodged with the Plumbing Industry Council for residential properties. For commercial properties such as hotels and unit complexes, etc where sanitary drainage is carried out as a result of the installation of the sand filter, an application is required to be lodged with us.

Cartridge type filters do not require an application as they do not connect to a sewer.

Permit work

Permit work involves anything not mentioned above, is generally more complex than other types of plumbing work and must have a permit issued by Council prior to starting the job. A licenced plumber or drainer is required to


Related information

To find out if a plumber is licensed, please refer to the Building Services Authority online license search.

Regulated work as described under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 means plumbing or drainage work that is not notifiable work, minor work or unregulated work. Plumbing work can include installing, changing, extending and disconnecting plumbing.


Lodging a plumbing application

Plumbing work that doesn’t fit into the categories above will require a plumbing approval. This includes new domestic work and nearly all commercial plumbing work. More information about applying for a plumbing approval can be found in Applying for a plumbing permit.

Plumbing applications can be easily submitted and paid for using the Online customer service portal - Register (top right-hand corner) and then select 'Development applications'.

Related links and forms