There are a number of instances that a survey plan would need to be lodged with Council for endorsement. This may include, but not limited to:

  • For reconfiguring a lot (i.e. subdivision or boundary realignment);
  • To create a community titles scheme; or
  • To establish an easement over a property.

Survey Plan endorsement is a review of compliance against existing conditions, development approvals, legislation and regulations. It is not additional assessment of the original development.


Lodging a request for survey plan endorsement

To lodge a request for survey plan signing, visit our Online customer service portal - Register (top right hand corner) and then select 'Development Applications'

Submitting a survey plan electronically

Council’s customer service portal allows applicants to submit their survey plans for endorsement online. This allows applications to be submitted and paid for using the portal 24/7. It allows applicants to track the progress of their applications submitted through the portal by using one user account per business/individual with ease.

For ease of processing and document security reasons, Council requests if you intend to submit your application electronically you use the Form 18B - Planning Body Approval of Survey Plan template provided here. If you choose to submit a different version of the document, you may be contacted by Council to provide an amended version.

Further information about the portal can be found in the 'Submit a development application' article.


Assessment of a survey plan

Council is required to assess your request in accordance with Schedule 20 of the Planning Regulation 2017.  This may include a desktop assessment and onsite inspection. If there are any items that have not been completed, Council will issue you with further advice outlining what else needs to be completed.

Once Council is satisfied everything is complete, the survey plan will be endorsed and you will be contacted to determine your preferred method of receiving the signed survey plan and any other relevant documents.


Further assistance

For further assistance on the requirements for lodging a survey plan, contact Council’s Technical Advice Officers on 131 872.