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Where changes are required to a published Planning Scheme these are approved and published as amendments to that scheme. These are categorised as administrative, minor or major. Listed below are the recent amendments.
More information about these changes can be found in the State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) website.
Planning Act 2016Chapter 2, Part 3, section 21
Notice is hereby given that on 25 October 2022 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.26 (Interim Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) Amendment) under Chapter 2, Part 3, section 21 of the Planning Act 2016 and Chapter 5, Part 2, section 6.1, of the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules.
The amendment will commence on Monday 28 November 2022.
The purpose of the amendment is to update the infrastructure schedules of works, maps and supporting documents for water supply, wastewater, transport, stormwater, public parks and land for community facilities networks to align with Council’s priorities and extend the planning horizon of these networks to 2031 providing a 10-year program.
The proposed interim LGIP amendment changes the following elements of the planning scheme:
For further information, please either visit council’s customer service centre or telephone or email council on 131 872 and
Related Documents
Planning Act 2016
Chapter 2, Part 3, Section 20
Adoption of Amendment No.25 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Administrative Amendment)
Notice is hereby given under the Planning Act 2016 that on 15 February 2022, Toowoomba Regional Council resolved to adopt the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No. 25 (Administrative Amendment).
The amendment will commence on 25 February 2022.
The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendment is to improve the usability, understanding and navigation of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme by clearly articulating where and how the planning scheme addresses building work matters in Part 1.6 and local government administrative matters in Part 1.7.
For further information call Council’s Customer Service Centre on 131 872 or email
Chapter 2, Part 3, Section 21
Adoption of Amendment No.24 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Interim Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 15 December 2020 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 24 (Interim Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) Amendment) under Chapter 2, Part 3, section 21 of the Planning Act 2016 and Chapter 5, Part 2, section 6.1, of the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules.
The amendment commenced on 22 January 2021.
The purpose of the amendment is to modify the relevant parts of the scheme to include urban waterways as existing trunk infrastructure on the plans for truck infrastructure maps for the stormwater network.
The interim LGIP amendment amends the following elements of the planning scheme:
Planning Act 2016Chapter 2, Part 3, Section 20Adoption of Amendment No. 20 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Major Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 20 April 2021 the Toowoomba Regional Council resolved to adopt the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (TRPS) - Amendment No. 20 (Major Amendment), Amendment No. 5 to Planning Scheme Policy (PSP) No. 6 and Amendment No. 4 to PSP No. 7.
The amendment commences on 30 April 2021.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to modify the relevant parts of the TRPS as follows:
Amendment No. 20 to the TRPS
Amendment No. 5 to PSP No. 6
Amendment No. 4 to PSP No. 7
For further information please call Council’s Customer Service Centre on 131 872 or email
Amendment No.20 formal documentation
Amendment No.5 to PSP No.6 formal documentation
Amendment No.4 to PSP No.7 formal documentation
Sustainable Planning Act 2009
Chapter 3 Part 5
Adoption of Amendment No.5 to Schedule 6, SC6.6 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Heritage Places
Planning Act 2016Chapter 2 Part 22
Adoption of Amendment No.4 to Schedule 6, SC6.7 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 7 – Neighbourhood Character Places
Adoption of Amendment No. 17 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Major Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 21 July 2020 the Toowoomba Regional Council resolved to adopt Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 17 (Major Amendment).
The amendment commenced on 21 August 2020.
The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendment is to protect people and property from the impacts of flood through the identification of land having a flood risk and the application of appropriate development controls.
The Amendment affects the following parts of the Planning Scheme:
For the towns of Cooyar, Crows Nest, Jondaryan, Maclagan, Oakey, Quinalow and Yarraman the planning scheme amendment is also a planning change under Section 30(4)(e) of the Act.
Adoption of Amendment No. 23 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Administrative Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 17 December 2019 the Toowoomba Regional Council resolved to adopt the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No. 23 (Administrative Amendment).
The amendment commences on 20 December 2019.
The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendment is to amend a technical zoning error of the following property from the Low-medium Density Residential Zone – Urban Residential Precinct to Low-medium Density Residential Zone – Urban Consolidation Precinct:
Planning Scheme Amendment No. 23 - formal documentation
Stage 4, Step 9A.2 of Statutory Guideline 01/16
Adoption of Amendment No. 16 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Major Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 19 November 2019 the Toowoomba Regional Council resolved to adopt Amendment No. 16 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.
The amendment commences on 29 November 2019.
The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendment is to implement outcomes of the Medium Density Residential Review that affect:
Amendment No.16 - formal documentation part 1
Amendment No.16 - formal documentation part 2
Chapter 2 Part 3
Adoption of Amendment No.22 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Minor Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 20 August 2019 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 22 (Minor Amendment).
The amendment commences on 23 August 2019.
A change has been made to the local government area boundary between the Toowoomba Region and Southern Downs regional councils. As a result, there is a small portion of land on the region’s south-easternmost area that is now included within the Toowoomba Region. This amendment to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme’s zone and overlay mapping has been made to ensure this land is included in the planning scheme.
The planning scheme amendment amends the zone designations and overlay coverage for the following properties:
Amended zone designation: Rural Zone 100ha Precinct
Applicable overlays:
Planning Scheme Amendment No.22 - Formal documentation
Adoption of Amendment No.21 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Qualified State Interest Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 23 July 2019 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 21 (Qualified State Interest Amendment). The amendment commences on 9 August 2019.
The purpose of the amendment is to modify the relevant parts of the scheme to resolve issues between existing planning policy and operational aspects of the TRPS. These changes relate to non-residential development in residential zones and reconfiguring a lot development. This includes some changes to the level of assessment and assessment benchmarks.
The planning scheme amendment amends the following parts of the planning scheme:
Tables of Assessment:
Zone Codes:
Overlay Codes:
Development Codes:
Schedule 1 – Definitions:
Planning Scheme Amendment No.21 - Formal documentation
Adoption of Amendment No.11 to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (major amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 17 April 2018 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 11 (major amendment). The amendment commences on 27 April 2018.
The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendment is to undertake multiple amendments to the following sections of the planning scheme:
Amendment No.11 to Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Formal documentation and explanatory statement
Chapter 2 Part 22
Adoption of Amendment No.2 to Schedule 6, SC6.3 – Planning Scheme Policy No.3 – Engineering Standards – Water and Waste Water Infrastructure
Notice is hereby given that on 20 March 2018 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted Schedule 6, SC6.3 - Planning Scheme Policy No.3 – Engineering Standards – Water and Waste Water Infrastructure – Amendment No. 2.
The amendment commenced on 27 April 2018.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to ensure that Planning Scheme Policy No.3 – Engineering Standards – Water and Waste Water Infrastructure:
Planning Scheme Policy No.3 - Amendment No.2 formal documentation
Adoption of Amendment No.1 to Schedule 6, SC6.4 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 4 – Master Planning
Notice is hereby given that on 15 August 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted Schedule 6, SC6.4 - Planning Scheme Policy No. 4 – Master Planning – Amendment No. 1.
The Amendment commenced on 27 April 2018.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to:
Planning Scheme Policy No.4 - Amendment No.1 formal documentation
Adoption of Amendment No.4 to Schedule 6, SC6.6 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Heritage Places
Notice is hereby given that on 15 August 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted Schedule 6, SC6.6 - Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Heritage Places – Amendment No.4.
The amendment commenced on 27 April 2018
Planning Scheme Policy No.6 - Amendment No.4 formal documentation
Adoption of Amendment No.3 to Schedule 6, SC6.7 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 7 – Neighbourhood Character Places
Notice is hereby given that on 15 August 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted Schedule 6, SC6.7 - Planning Scheme Policy No. 7 – Neighbourhood Character Places – Amendment No. 3
Planning Scheme Policy No.7 - Amendment No.3 formal documentation
Section 293
Adoption of Amendment No.18 to Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (alignment amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 21 November 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.18 (Alignment Amendment) under the Alignment Amendment Rules and section 293 of the Planning Act 2016.
The amendment will commence on 24 November 2017.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to correct 2 errors made through the adoption of Alignment Amendment No.19 (commenced on 3 July 2017):
This amendment affects changes to Part 5.5 and Schedule 1 of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.
Amendment No.18 - formal documentation (alignment amendment)
Amendment No.18 - explanatory statement (alignment amendment)
Adoption of Amendment No.19 to Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (alignment amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 26 June 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No.19 (alignment amendment) under the alignment amendment rules and section 293 of the Planning Act 2016.
The amendment commences on 3 July 2017.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to align the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme with the Planning Act 2016 and associated legislation and rules by:
This amendment affects changes to all parts of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme.
Amendment No.19 - formal documentation (alignment amendment)
Appendix A:
Amendment No.19 - explanatory statement (alignment amendment)
Adoption of Amendment No.15 to Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP))
Notice is hereby given that on 31 May 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No.15 (Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)). The amendment commences on 9 June 2017.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to replace the Toowoomba Regional Council’s Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) with a Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP). Consequential changes to the planning scheme are limited to alignment amendments, to ensure the planning scheme refers to and properly reflects the LGIP.
Amendment No.15 - formal documentation
Amendment No.15 explanatory statement
Open the Local Government Infrastructure Plan page
Notice is hereby given that on 18 April 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.10 (Major amendment). The amendment commences on 21 April 2017. The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendment is to undertake multiple amendments to the following sections of the planning scheme:
Part 5 – Assessment Tables:
1. Amendment of Table 5.7:1 is required to ensure that the demolition and/or removal of a Heritage Place impact assessable if:
a. the building or structure is a Heritage Place identified in SC6.6.2 of Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 and is not a State Heritage Place; andb. the building or structure is not a freestanding outbuilding; andc. more than 25m² of the Gross Floor Area is proposed to be Demolished and/or Removed.
2. Amendment of Part 5.7:1 (Building Work) is required to eliminate the need to obtain Building Work approval for development within the Neighbourhood Character Overlay where a Material Change of Use application is also required. This reduces unnecessary duplication.
3. Amendment of Part 5.5:2 (Low-medium Density Residential Zone Assessment Table) is required to correct a duplication error whereby Dual Occupancies are both exempt and self-assessable where they are attached buildings. Only attached Dual Occupancies are eligible to be exempt development.
Schedule 2 – Mapping:
1. Changes to the zoning of land in parts of Back Plains, Bringalily, Centenary Heights, Charlton, Clifton, Coalbank, East Toowoomba, Emu Creek, Glenvale, Gowrie Junction, Harlaxton, Irongate, Millmerran, Millmerran Downs, Millwood, Mount Lofty and Pittsworth.
2. Remove 27 Drayton Road, Harristown from Heritage Overlay; and
3. Include 24-36 Drayton Road, Harristown into Heritage Overlay.
Planning Scheme Amendment No.10 - Formal Documentation (Major Amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 18 April 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted Schedule 6, SC6.6 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Heritage Places – Amendment No.3. The amendment commenced on 21 April 2017.
1. remove the following address from Planning Scheme Policy No.6:
• Lot 4 RP71505 (27 Drayton Road, Harristown).
2. include the following address into Planning Scheme Policy No.6:
• Lot 7 RP864738 (24-36 Drayton Road, Harristown).
Planning Scheme Policy No.6 - Heritage Places - Amendment No.3 Formal Documentation
Notice is hereby given that on 18 April 2017 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted Schedule 6, SC6.7 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 7 – Neighbourhood Character Places – Amendment No.2.
The amendment commenced on 21 April 2017.
1. remove the following addresses from Planning Scheme Policy No.7:
• Lot 7 RP97379 and Lot 8 RP5680 (1 Bridge Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP133214 (5 Bridge Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 10 RP65590 (7 Bridge Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP84737 (12 Bridge Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP90730 (24 Herries Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP89185 (135 James Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 2 RP89185 (137 James Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 9 RP5484 (141 James Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 7 and Lot 8 RP5484 (143 James Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 6 RP5484 (145 James Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 5 RP5484 (147 James Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 18 RP5496 (2 Jane Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 17 SP217411 (113 Jellicoe Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 13 and Lot 14 RP16530 (117 Jellicoe Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 15 SP182266 (119 Jellicoe Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 3 RP16529 (121 Jellicoe Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 and Lot 2 RP16532 (123 Jellicoe Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 3 and Lot 4 RP16532 (125 Jellicoe Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP91301 (177 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 3 RP5419 (680 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 and Lot 3 RP100715 (687 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP68756 (701 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 2 RP48654 (703 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 6 RP16775 (704 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP16750 (705 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lots 7-9 RP16778 (706-708 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP155873 (709 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP62069 (710 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 2 RP62069 (712 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 3 RP16748 (713 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 3 RP62069 (714 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP16779 (716 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lots 63 and 64 RP16748 (717 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lots 3 and 4 RP16753 (719 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lots 1 and 2 RP16753 (721 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 2 RP16754 (723 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 3 RP43596 (724 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 4 RP43596 (726 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 33 RP16753 (727 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 2 RP68007 (731 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 RP58881 (740 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba)• Lot 1 SP149664 (53-59 West Street, Toowoomba
Planning Scheme Policy No 7 – Neighbourhood Character – Amendment No 2 Formal Documentation
Adoption of amendment No.14 to Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme (administrative amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 13 December 2016 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.14 (minor amendment). The amendment commences on 3 February 2017.
The purpose and general effect of the minor amendment is to improve the accuracy of some property boundaries and include any new parcels in the Planning Scheme maps (Schedule 2 – Mapping) by applying the April 2016 Version of Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) layer.
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No.14 (minor amendment)
Chapter 3, Part 5
Schedule 6, SC6.3 - Planning Scheme Policy No. 3 - Engineering Standards - Water and Wastewater Infrastructure - Amendment No. 1
Notice is hereby given that on 20 September 2016 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted Schedule 6, SC6.3 - Planning Scheme Policy No. 3 - Engineering Standards - Water and Wastewater Infrastructure - Amendment No. 1.
The amendment commenced on 7 October 2016.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to ensure consistency with recent adopted changes to Council policies - Water Infrastructure Policy (No.2.03), and Wastewater Infrastructure Policy (No.2.04)
Amendment No.1 to Planning Scheme Policy No.3 Formal Documentation included Appendix A
Adoption of Amendment No.13 (administrative amendment) to Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme
Notice is hereby given that on 16 August 2016 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.13. The amendment commenced on 19 August 2016.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to amend inconsistent cross-references to planning scheme policies. They reference “SC6.3 PSP No.3 - Engineering Standards - Water and Waste Water Infrastructure” when they should reference “SC6.2 PSP No.2 - Engineering Standards - Roads and Drainage Infrastructure”.
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No.13 (administrative amendment)
Notice is hereby given that on 19 July 2016 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.8. The amendment commences on 29 July 2016.
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to implement recommendations of the Highfields, Meringandan and Meringandan West Local Plan including:
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No. 8 formal documentation with attachments
Clause 1 Short title
This amendment may be cited as Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 12 (minor amendment).
Clause 2 Adoption
Toowoomba Regional Council adopted this planning scheme amendment on the 17 May 2016.
Clause 3 Commencement
This amendment took affect on the 20 May 2016.
Clause 4 Amendment of the Planning Scheme
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme is amended in the manner set out in this part.
Clause 5 Amendment of Schedule 2 – Mapping
Amend the zoning of the following properties from the Rural Zone (100 Hectare Precinct) to the Rural Residential Zone (4,000m² Precinct) in the manner identified in Attachment No.1:
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme Amendment No.12 - formal documentation
This amendment may be cited as Schedule 6, SC6.7 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 7 – Neighbourhood Character Places – Amendment No.1
Toowoomba Regional Council adopted this amendment on the 8 March 2016.
This amendment took affect on the 18 March 2016.
Clause 4 Amendment of the Planning Scheme Policy
Planning Scheme Policy No.7 is amended in the manner set out in this part.
Clause 5 Amendment of Schedule 7 – Planning Scheme Policies
SC6.7 PSP No. 7 – Neighbourhood Character Places, 6.7.2:
omit – the following addresses
This amendment may be cited as Schedule 6, SC6.6 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Heritage Places – Amendment No.2
Planning Scheme Policy No.6 is amended in the manner set out in this part.
Clause 5 Amendment of Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies
SC6.6 PSP No. 6 – Heritage Places, SC6.6.2:
omit the following addresses:
insert – the following new addresses.
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme - Amendment No.5 Formal Documentation
The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to undertake multiple amendments to the following sections of the planning scheme:
Adoption of Amendment No.7 to Toowoomba Regional Planning
This amendment may be cited as Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 9 (minor amendment).
Toowoomba Regional Council adopted this planning scheme amendment on the 20 January 2015.
This amendment took affect on the 27 February 2015.
Amend the zoning of following properties from the Rural Zone (100 Hectare Precinct) to the Township Zone in the manner identified in Attachment No.1:
Notice is hereby given that on 21 October 2014 the Toowoomba Regional Council adopted the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.2.
The amendment commences on 3 November 2014.
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No.2
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme Amendment No2 - Explanatory Statement
This amendment may be cited as Schedule 6, SC6.6 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Heritage Places – Amendment No.1
Toowoomba Regional Council adopted this planning scheme policy amendment on the 19 August 2014.
This amendment took affect on the 3 November 2014.
Planning Scheme Policy 6 (Heritage Places) is amended in the manner set out in this part.
Clause 5 Amendment of Schedule 6 Planning Scheme Policies (1)
Schedule 6, SC6.6 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Heritage Places, SC6.6.2 :
omit -
2/PIT/01530Yandilla StreetPITTSWORTHRP179484/4 No
insert –
2/PIT/015381 Yandilla StreetPITTSWORTHRP179484/4No
This amendment may be cited as Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme – Amendment No. 6.
Toowoomba Regional Council adopted this planning scheme amendment on the 15 July 2014.
This amendment took affect on the 4 August 2014.
Clause 5 Amendment of each part - Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme
Citation and Commencement, Part 1 to Part 10:
Clause 6 Amendment of each schedule – Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme
Schedule 1 to Schedule 5:
Clause 7 Amendment of Appendices – Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme
Appendix 10 to Appendix 12:
The following statement gives background information on the issues covered by the proposed amendment. The proposed minor amendment wholly deletes and replaces each part (including schedules and appendices) of the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012 (TRPS) to ensure it is consistent with the latest version of the Queensland Planning Provisions (QPP).
The QPP provides a consistent form for the preparation of a planning scheme in Queensland through standardised structure and format, land use and administrative definitions, zones, overlays, infrastructure planning provisions and assessment codes and other administrative matters. The Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) requires a local government to amend its planning scheme to ensure consistency with the most current version of the QPP. On 10 December 2013 Toowoomba Regional Council resolved to prepare the proposed TRPS Amendment No.6 in accordance with section 2.2.2 of the Statutory Guideline 01/13—Making and amending local planning instruments (the Statutory Guideline) to ensure consistency with QPP version 3.0. QPP Version 3.0 commenced in October 2013 and replaced QPP Version 2.0, on which the TRPS was originally drafted. The draft Queensland Planning Provisions Version 3.1 was notified on 16 May 2014 for consultation by the State Government. It makes additional minor changes to QPP Version 3.0 for clarity. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP) has confirmed that the amendments to the TRPS should be consistent with draft QPP Version 3.1.
Explanation of changes
The proposed minor amendment does not alter levels of assessment in the TRPS for existing uses or development types. Where new use definitions have been introduced, the assessment level has been applied as a 'like for like' arrangement where the new use definition suite was compared against the existing use definition suite and the levels of assessment within each zone. The following list provides a summary of the key changes:
Part: Preliminary
Key changes:
Part: Part 1 - About the planning scheme
Note: Temporary Use becomes an administrative definition.
Part: Part 2 - State planning provisions
Note: State Government has confirmed that the existing references to former State Planning Policies are to be maintained at this time.
Part: Part 3 - Strategic framework
Part: Part 4 - Priority infrastructure plan
Part: Part 5 - Tables of assessment
Part: Part 6 - Zones
Part: Part 7 - Local plans
Part: Part 8 - Overlays
Part: Part 9 - Development codes
Part: Part 10 - Other Plans
Part: Schedule 1 - Definitions
Part: Schedule 2 - Mapping
Part: Schedule 3 - Priority infrastructure plan mapping and supporting material
Part: Schedule 4 - Notations required under the Act
Part: Schedule 5 - Land designated for community infrastructure
Part: Schedule 6 - Planning scheme policies
The process for amending planning schemes is set down in Statutory Guideline 01/14 — Making and amending local planning instruments. The guideline outlines the process that amendments must go through and steps a local government must follow. An amendment to make the planning scheme consistent with the latest version of QPP is identified as a minor amendment as it is a matter that meets the following criteria:
A minor amendment does not require public consultation.
This amendment may be cited as Schedule 4, SC4.2 – Planning Scheme Policy No. 2 – Engineering Standards – Roads and Drainage Infrastructure – Amendment No.1
Toowoomba Regional Council adopted this amendment on the 10th December 2013.
This amendment took affect on the 10th January 2014.
Planning Scheme Policy No.2 is amended in the manner set out in this part.
Clause 5 Amendment of Schedule 4 – Planning Scheme Policies
SC4.2 PSP No. 2 – Engineering Standards – Roads and Drainage Infrastructure:
Clause 6 Amendment of Appendix 12 (Table of amendments)
Appendix 12, at the end of the table:
Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme Amendment No1 - Amendment Document
Clause 1 - Short title
This amendment may be cited as Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme– Amendment No. 3.
Clause 2 - Adoption
Toowoomba Regional Council adopted this planning scheme amendment on the 21st May 2013.
Clause 3 - Commencement
This amendment took affect on the 14th June 2013.
Clause 4 - Amendment of the Planning Scheme
Clause 5 - Amendment of Part 8 – Overlays
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