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The Operational Plan 2024-25 is a key plan for Toowoomba Regional Council. The Operational Plan translates the commitments set out in the Corporate Plan 2024 - 2029 into annual actions, projects and services that Council will undertake within the current financial year.
Council’s Strategic and Performance Management Framework depicts the links between the Corporate Plan 2024-29 and strategies driving a tangible set of organisational deliverables through the annual Operational Plan and Budget.
The Local Government Act 2009 along with the Local Government Regulation 2012 requires Council to adopt an annual Operational Plan. Council must undertake its responsibilities in a way which is consistent with its annual Operational Plan and may amend the Operational Plan at any time by Council resolution. Council shall monitor progress against the Operational Plan and present updates in Council meetings at least quarterly.
During the preparation of the Corporate Plan 2024-29, Council noted that more than 90% of our annual budget goes to providing the ongoing services that our community values. Acknowledging this, and the need to continually balance sustainability with the demands of service delivery, Council’s intention is to prioritise service reviews. Current key services are summarised in the relevant goal areas that follow.
Further actions or projects may be included during the financial year as circumstances arise to progress Council’s response to the Corporate Plan key priorities.
The Operational Plan for each financial year delivers against the key priorities of the Corporate Plan which has a life of five years. As such, not all key priorities will be specifically addressed by an individual action or project in each annual Operational Plan. Many key priorities are addressed through the ongoing delivery of services and ‘business as usual’ activities undertaken by Council.
Council promotes a vibrant, safe, healthy and engaged Region, creating opportunities for people to connect and belong. We are proud of our unique and diverse communities.
1.1 - Encourage initiatives that address community health and wellbeing.1.2 - Identify, promote and grow opportunities for arts, cultural expression and the development of the creative industry.1.3 - Investigate ways to further encourage and support volunteerism.1.4 - Improve community safety through effective design, information and programs.1.5 - Enhance disaster management preparedness, capability and resilience through response and recovery in collaboration with the community and agencies.1.6 - Deliver effective community information and education programs to encourage participation in Council business and to enhance the Region’s liveability.1.7 - Encourage connection, resilience, equality and inclusion in the community.
Council plans, builds and maintains the infrastructure needed to sustainably support lifestyle and growth. We value our environments, our natural assets and our rich agricultural land. Council promotes sustainable and innovative place management practices.
2.1 - Ensure dam safety compliance upgrades.2.2 - Implement road and water infrastructure maintenance and capital programs.2.3 - Plan for and manage infrastructure assets sustainably.2.4 - Continue to pursue active and equitable transport initiatives.2.5 - Investigate and report to Council on opportunities to use technology and innovation to improve the liveability of our region.2.6 - Continue to prioritise water security.2.7 - Ongoing advancement and promotion of the Toowoomba Region.2.8 - The Uniqueness of our townships and villages throughout the region is understood and valued.2.9 - Adopt the Toowoomba Region Futures program, providing a roadmap for managing sustainable growth.2.10 - Pursue options for a greener Toowoomba Region and Council.2.11 - Protection of high-quality agricultural land.2.12 - Preserve, protect and improve our environments.2.13 - Proactively managing risk, responding to, and enhancing climate change resilience.2.14 - Investigate the setting of Toowoomba Regional Council carbon emission reduction targets.
Our Region has a strong and diverse economy. Thriving businesses and industries attract and retain employment opportunities.
3.1 - Support for businesses through local procurement.3.2 - Work with peak bodies and representative groups to action initiatives that foster local businesses and generate local jobs.3.3 - Pursue grants consistent with Council’s priorities and consider commercial partnerships and private sector funding opportunities.3.4 - Proactively pursue opportunities presented for our Region by the 2032 Olympics.3.5 - Proactively advocate on behalf of the Toowoomba Region for a greater share of Federal and State Government funding consistent with Council’s priorities.3.6 - Building stronger State and Federal Government relations.
Our Council delivers sustainable, quality services with a community focus, where our people enjoy their work, are empowered to undertake their roles, and are valued for their contributions.
4.1 - Deliver the Corporate Plan, Operational Plan and budget.4.2 - Continue to pursue prudent financial management and sustainability.4.3 - Delivery of community and customer-focused service.4.4 - Enhance Council's reputation as an employer of choice through values-based leadership, fostering collaboration, engagement and trust and nurturing staff.4.5 - A commitment to staff and Councillor safety, health and wellbeing, including mental wellbeing.4.6 - Continuous improvement of business-processes and systems, including community consultation.4.7 - Knowing and managing our risks.4.8 - Implement the Information, Communication and Technology Strategy and Roadmap.4.9 - Progress prioritised transformation and organisation efficiency reviews.4.10 - Review options and costings for a new Council civic/administration centre and action agreed solutions.4.11 - Investigate and report to Council on opportunities to use technology and innovation to improve Council’s service delivery.
The following terms and acronyms have been used in the Operational Plan.
Budget - Identifies planned expenditure and revenue for a financial year and is approved by Council.
Capital Works Program - A program of activities and other works that Council adopts to create, construct, and install assets and other facilities. For Council, the program’s projects typically include, but are not limited to, delivery of buildings, roads and bridges, structures, parks and natural areas.
Community - Includes the Toowoomba Region’s residents, ratepayers, businesses, investors, visitors and tourists.
Corporate Plan - The Toowoomba Regional Council Corporate Plan 2024-29 outlines Council’s vision, goals and key priorities, ensuring our Region’s future needs and aspirations are met. The Plan provides direction for Council as an organisation and guides the decisionmaking, allocation of resources, and actions of Councillors and staff over the life of the Plan.
Long-Term Financial Forecast (LTFF) - A 10-year estimation of revenue, expenses and capital expenditure. The LTFF sets out the economic and fiscal outlook for the Toowoomba Region and includes capital expenditure, expense and revenue estimates for the current financial year and nine forward financial years. From its assumptions, the LTFF sets the desired financial boundaries within which the organisation can plan for its future.
Project - A temporary endeavour for a team that is undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Projects are a defined workload that have a clear start and finish, are non-repetitive and provide unique deliverables. Once completed, a project’s outcomes or objectives may become a part of, or have an impact on, Council’s services.
Tolerance - Tolerance refers to the highest acceptable percentage variation from the annual target for the Key Performance Indicator.
TRC Futures - Toowoomba Region Futures is a five-year program designed to build a community vision for growth and development in our Region. This program will provide an integrated roadmap for managing urban growth throughout our Region, including:
BTS - Business Transformation & Strategy
CDFT - Community Development, Facilities & Tourism
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CM - Construction & Maintenance
CCE - Customer Communication & Engagement
ED - Economic Development
ERS - Environmental & Regulatory Services
FS - Financial Services
GM ECSG - General Manager Environment & Community Services Group
GM FBSG - General Manager Finance & Business Strategy Group
GM ISG - General Manager Infrastructure Services Group
GM PDSG - General Manager Planning & Development Services Group
GM WWSG - General Manager Water & Waste Services Group
ICT - Information Communication & Technology
LCS - Library & Cultural Services
PCE - People Culture & Engagement
PL - Planning
PJS - Project Services
PRS - Parks & Recreation Services
PS - Property Services
TDP - Transport & Drainage Planning
WS - Waste Services
WIS - Water Infrastructure Services
WPS - Water Project Services
Special Meeting of Council (Adoption of 2024-25 Operational Plan, Budget and Revenue Statement) - 25 June 2024
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