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With so much going on in the way of planning, advocacy and preparation, we thought the following list of references might be useful to keep track of these activities in the one place.
September 2021 - The Southern Queensland Inland and New South Wales Border Regional Water Alliance (SQINB-RWA) met with Queensland Minister for Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water Glenn Butcher Regional Water Alliance, Qld Minister for Water discuss future water supply options
July 2021 - Southern and Darling Downs Regional Water Assessment steering group (working on the Southern and Darling Downs Regional Water Assessment) met for the first time.
December 2020 - Water management consultants prepare for Council the Water Vision 2050 report.
August 2020 - Water Alliance formed between Southern Downs Regional Council, Western Downs Regional Council, Tenterfield Shire Council and Toowoomba Regional Council.
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