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Commercial and/or community activities being conducted on Council and/or private land may require a local law approval. We are responsible for assessing and regulating these activities. The main purpose of regulating these activities is to ensure they are being carried out in a safe manner, whilst preventing nuisances to the surrounding environment.
These activities are grouped into six sections:
Examples of each activity are provided in the 'Helpful information' section at the bottom of the page.
If you are able to comply with ALL of the minimum requirements listed on the Commercial and/or community activity self-assessment checklist an application will not be required. We recommend that you keep a copy of the completed checklist for your records.
If you are unsure if your activity meets the self-assessment checklist minimum requirements please contact us to confirm.
If you can't comply with the minimum requirements listed on the Commercial and/or community activity self-assessment checklist, a fully completed application will need to be submitted to us with applicable documentation for assessment. Fees may apply and will need to be paid at the time of application (refer to our Fees and Charges).
The Local law approval information guide can be used for assistance during the application process.
We encourage the making of applications well in advance of the date you intend to undertake your activity. This allows adequate time to review your submission, request further information if required, conduct a final assessment and make a decision.
A thorough assessment of the application will occur and in some instances a site inspection may be required. The assessment will address the location suitability, relevant legislation, policies and regulations that will need to be complied with. This will ensure the impacts on location, environment and community are minimal.
Applications generally take up to 20 business days to be processed. This is dependent on the complexity of the activity and your ability to provide all relevant information and documentation at the time of submission.
Once an assessment has been completed and your application approved we will get in contact with you via email (if one has been supplied) to provide your approval document. A hard copy of the approval will also be posted to your nominated postal address on your application.
Your approval document will include the details or your event and conditions specified by the assessing officer against the relevant local law. Dependent on the conditions in your approval, you may be required to have a copy present at the site of your activity for display upon request.
It is important that you fully understand the conditions stated on your approval, as they are mandatory and if not complied with, may result in infringement notices being issued. Questions in regards to your conditions can be referred to us. You'll need to provide your approval number.
Please note that your event fee (if applicable) does not include any additional approvals that may need to be issued by other departments within Toowoomba Regional Council. As an applicant, it's your responsibility to ensure all relevant branches have been contacted and any further required approvals are obtained.
Including, but not limited to, activities such as:
Self explained.
Additional approvals and fees that might be required for your event may include, but is not limited to:
If you area unsure if you require any further approvals contact us.
It is important to provide clear and accurate information about the event. The nature of the venue should indicate whether the venue is outdoors or indoors, in a hall or stadium, at parklands, river or at another venue. It is valuable to note whether there are a combination of sites, e.g. both indoor and outdoor, as this can have a bearing on the capacity of the event as well as crowd movement within the event.
Before an event there is generally time required for setting up (bump in) and time required to return the venue to its original condition (retro-fit), these times should be considered.
When providing a description of the event ensure that as many details as possible are included so that anyone reading this plan will be able to easily understand the nature of the event. Provide a brief outline of the event’s attractions. Include sufficient detail to ensure that the stakeholders are aware of the entertainment, main attractions, key times and locations.
A site plan is an aerial drawing of the event location that details the layout of all the activities, buildings and facilities at your event.
The site plan must clearly identify the layout and the location of all components, where applicable, including:
Event management - Site plan example
It is important to note that only events managed and controlled by Council are covered under its public liability insurance policy and the policy indemnifies Council and no other party. All other event organisers are required to provide a certificate of currency for $10 million that covers the duration and scope of the event and notes Toowoomba Regional Council as an interested party.
You should also ensure that any other party or provider associated with your event has public liability cover and that evidence of this cover is provided to you prior to the event.
The event organiser/applicant may be asked to enter into an agreement with the local government against claims (including claims made against the person undertaking the prescribed activity by the local government) for personal injury (including death) and damage to property (including economic loss) arising by, through, or in connection with, the undertaking of the activity.
We are committed to event safety and take risk management seriously. Risk management is an important component of your planning and it is your responsibility to complete a risk assessment prior to the scheduled event.
A risk management plan details your strategy for treating risks. It details information about:
Disclaimer: The risk management material contained in this kit is only general information and is not intended to be an exhaustive process for identifying and managing risk. The material provided by Toowoomba Regional Council does not constitute formal advice of any kind in respect to your specific event, nor is it an endorsement of any event planner’s application. Council strongly advises you to seek independent advice for your own risk assessment. While the information included here is provided in good faith, no representation is made as to its accuracy, completeness or suitability for your specific event.
Event management - Risk calculator
Event management - Sample risk assessment
An Emergency Management Plan is a document that outlines how emergencies will be handled during the event. Emergency Management Plans need to: identify who is responsible for responding to incidents; procedures to be followed for a number of situations, e.g. medical emergency or fire; include a contact list for event stakeholders and emergency services; detail evacuation procedures and identify emergency exits/assembly points on site maps. Ensure access to fire safety installations and emergency exits are maintained.
Provide copies of the Emergency Management Plan to all event stakeholders: staff/volunteers, all stall holders/suppliers, emergency services and local/State Government agencies.
An Emergency Management Plan can be addressed in your risk management plan/strategy.
Where damage has occurred as a result of the event/activity, the approval holder and/or event owner is responsible for the cost of reinstatement to the Toowoomba Regional Council property. This also includes damage incurred by third parties, suppliers and any contracted services. Please be aware that costs can run into the thousands of dollars. Event Organisers are encouraged to budget for possible reinstatement costs and use protection i.e. profloor or trackmat, marshals, etc. to avoid damage in parks and gardens.
If the event is held in a park a bond maybe required
(a) as a guarantee that the whole of the area will be left in a clean and tidy condition following the event, (b) to cover costs for any rectification work, as a result of damage to, or cleaning of the site and (c) to cover any after-hours call out that may arise from the activity.
A Traffic Management Plan is required when there is a road closure and in any situation where significant numbers of vehicles will be entering or exiting off-road parking facilities or when any control is necessary to direct traffic in a way that is different to that dictated by road rules or existing signage. This will include speed reductions which may be necessary to deal with venues where there is the potential for interaction of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Traffic Management Plans must be prepared by an accredited Traffic Control Provider (found in yellow pages or google) in accordance with Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and include: • Traffic Control Permit from Council to close or alter traffic conditions on a road • Legible maps and/or diagrams of the event areas and sites • Appropriate signage, barricading and traffic control to be installed • Diagrammatic details of what type of traffic management devices will be used and in what positions • Confirmation that all persons involved in directing vehicle movements are adequately qualified. This must be a Police Officer or an accredited Traffic Control Officer • Complete and accurate details of what road closures are being sought and for what periods those roads will be closed • Details of a least one effective diversionary route for traffic affected by each road closure • Distinctly identified emergency vehicle accesses.
You are also required to: • Apply to the Queensland Police Service –; • Apply to the Department of Transport and Main Roads if the event is on a State controlled road; • Erect road closure notification signage not less than seven days prior to the event; • Provide written advice to Queensland Ambulance Service and Queensland Fire and Rescue Service at least one month prior to the event date; • Publish a public notice advising of the full road closure at least one week prior to the event. Prior to publication confirmation, provide to Council a copy of the public notice advertisement; • Advise any affected public transport providers at least one month prior to the event date; • Provide evidence of actions taken to consult with residents and businesses affected by the road closure (e.g. letterbox drops, public meetings, personal visits) and make available to Council details of any and all objections as known to you.
To ensure safe and proper traffic flow on the day, it is recommended that you conduct a pre-event meeting with all persons involved in the directing of vehicle movements.
As the event organiser, you must ensure that there is adequate parking for attendees (including disabled parking), that does not interfere with the usual parking provisions for residents and or businesses. Please be aware that parking on nature strips is illegal. If you believe illegal parking may be an issue at the event, we recommend that you put marshals in place to ensure parking infringements do not occur.
Generally, only authorised Toowoomba Regional Council vehicles or emergency services are permitted in Toowoomba Region managed parks and gardens. Limited access is available for vehicles engaged in the bump-in and bump-out and operation of an event. No vehicles, caravans, cranes, accommodation vehicles or trailers are permitted in any Toowoomba Region managed parks and gardens unless specific written authorisation has been given, which will be detailed in your approval.
Conditions include:
The level of impact an event has on the surrounding community and stakeholders can vary. Consider if your event will affect the amenity of the surrounding neighbourhood e.g. loud noise from audio systems or fireworks, or increased car parking on residential streets.
Council recommends you notify the community and stakeholders in advance and provide them with a person to contact if they have any queries. This might be in the form of advertising or a letterbox drop.
Your letter must include the following details:
For larger events you may be required to operate a complaints hotline for the duration of the event.
Your first letter should be written as a ‘proposal’ (keeping in mind that your event has not been approved by Toowoomba Regional Council) A follow up notification letter in some cases, may also need to be sent, one week prior to the event start date, once an event approval has been issued (when event plans are confirmed and approved).
Community safety and security at events is essential. Different types, scale and scope of events require different levels of security and should be determined as part of the risk assessment for example crowd control, cash and equipment protection.
An area for lost children and lost property should be clearly signed and staffed accordingly.
If event infrastructure remains at the event site overnight, you must engage appropriate security. It is vital that all areas of your site, especially access paths and emergency exists are clearly illuminated. This may require you to provide additional lighting at your own expense.
We recommend you consult with the Queensland Police Service, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and Queensland Ambulance Service dependent on the type, scale and scope of the event. Council and/or the Queensland Police Service may require you to engage police officers on special duties, security guards and/or crowd control, at your expense. Please contact Queensland Police Service on 131 444 to determine their requirements or visit
First aid services are critical to any event. Council requires that the minimum qualification level is “Apply First Aid”. First aid posts should be properly staffed, equipped and clearly identified so they can be easily located by those who need them. The number of first aid posts will depend on the size and scale of the event.
You must comply with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 and the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013; provisions of which apply to electrical equipment and this includes, but is not restricted to: • All electrical equipment, including extension leads, to be tested and tagged in accordance with AS3760; • Extension leads will be tagged with the owner’s name; • Portable electrical equipment is double insulated or earth-leakage protected; • Extension and flexible leads are to be laid out so as to ensure they do not pose a trip hazard or an obstruction that denies safe access to the area. As such, leads on the ground are to be kept clear of moisture wherever possible and are to be covered with ground mats to remove potential trip hazards; and • No piggy back plugs or double adaptors are permitted. Power boards are to be used where there is more than one electrical device in use.
For further information on electrical testing and tagging please visit the Electrical Safety Office website at:
Some of our parks and facilities have power for event use. If you would like to access power supplies on Council land you will be required to apply to us and pay an associated fee where applicable.
For more information on whether a venue has access to power please contact us on 131 872.
The use of gas devices is regulated in Queensland under the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004. This Act includes particular safety requirements that must be complied with called preferred standards. The preferred standards that apply include Australia New Zealand Standard 5601.1:2013 Gas installations – General installations (AS/NZS5601.1) and Australia New Zealand Standard 1596:2014 The storage and handling of LP Gas (AS/NZS1596), unless an alternative is specified and formally recognised.
The operator of the gas device and/or a licensed gas fitter is responsible for assessing the risks of the gas device in relation to these requirements and the Australian Standards. Portable gas devices fuelled by LPG (such as barbecues, woks, Bain Maries, and outdoor heaters) must be used in accordance with the Act, preferred standards, and the manufacturer’s specifications and instructions.
For further information visit or contact 13 74 68.
If your event location is in close proximity to overhead powerlines please be aware that additional safety measures, such as exclusion zones are required. For further information on working near powerlines please see the Energex Look up and Live factsheet on their website:
If your event includes any form of selling in the public place, forms of selling include sale of goods, services, food, beverage, carnival rides, and merchandise, a vendor list will need to be completed outlining vendor contact details and description of items for sale.
If food and refreshments are served or sold it may be necessary for food vendor operators to obtain a Temporary Food Business Licence. Generally food businesses that involve the preparation of food do require a licence. Some exemptions apply to not for profit organisations, the sale of packaged foods and the sale of whole fruit and vegetables.
If you are unsure about whether you require a food licence please contact Toowoomba Regional Council via email to or by telephone on 131 872. Mobile food businesses (e.g. ice cream or kebab vans) must hold a licence in Queensland. It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure all food vendors are licensed. Food businesses can apply for a licence by completing the Temporary Food Business Licence form and submitting it to Council at least four weeks prior to the event.
Event management - Food license application form (online)
Food business - operational licence application form (PDF)
Consumption of alcohol in a public place is prohibited under the Queensland Liquor Act. However, an application can be made to the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing for the following permits:
For application forms and assistance, please contact Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing on 13 13 04, or visit their website.
Events must cater for the health and comfort of patrons. Under the Building Code of Australia, event organisers must provide one drinking fountain or drinking tap for every 200 patrons or part thereof. Drinking water should be made freely available or if not feasible, at a cost lower than the lowest price of any other drink sold to patrons. The location of drinking water facilities must be clearly indicated via directional signage.
Please note water access may be required to service portable toilets or provide water for consumption at an event. Access to water supply will vary depending on the irrigation system within each park/garden location.
Please contact CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) on 02 6217 1177 or 131 757 to determine if an approval maybe required for the release of Fireworks, lanterns and balloons, etc. If approval is required a copy is to be provided to Council with your application.
Carefully consider the appropriateness of the event site for a fireworks display, taking into account any potential environmental and social impacts. Some sites are unsuitable for fireworks displays. If you include a fireworks display in the event, you must engage a licensed pyrotechnician to carry out the display in accordance with the Queensland Code of Practice – Control of Outdoor Fireworks Displays.
Please supply a copy of the following to Council: • Fireworks display notification form - submitted to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (phone 137 468). • Fireworks insurance policy; • Fireworks contractor licence; and • Fireworks operator’s licence (conducting the show).
Ensure you notify the local fire station about the fireworks at least seven days in advance. In accordance with the Explosives Regulation 2003, licensed fireworks operators must have a safety management system.
Event organisers should obtain a copy of their site specific safety management plan. The plan will include the details of the exclusion zone for safety purposes. Event organisers are responsible for the security of the exclusion zone around the fireworks during the display. The use of metal equipment is prohibited (mortars, tubes, frames, pickets and stands).
Signage for events is regulated by us. Advertising banners or flags, sponsorship signage and other attention attracting signs placed on, or that are visible, from public land or roads may require an approval.
In addition, any signage placed along a State controlled road must be approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Visit the Transport and Main Roads website for further information.
Please note signage cannot be erected on electrical poles, vegetation within a park, on street trees or any Council structure/facilities.
The event organiser must provide a detailed signage proposal that outlines all the proposed directional and event branding signage to be installed at the event. Please include details such as quantity, size, positioning and installation method. Signage includes banners, bunting, cor-flutes and flags. It may include sponsorship/corporate logos attached/imprinted on marquees, inflatable gantries, structures or fencing.
We recommend that you contact us on 131 872 prior to your event to discuss your signage strategy and signage application if required.
In accordance with the Building Act 1975 certain buildings and structures require a Development Permit for Building Work (building approval), before they are erected on the site.
Building permit required: Yes
Criteria: Attached to the ground or required to be attached to the ground
Criteria: Not attached to the ground or required to be attached for structural purposes
Building permit required: No – however a Design Certificate Form 15 will need to be completed by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ). A Form 16 will also be required after the stage has been installed and provided to the event assessment officer
Criteria: If the height of the structure is greater than 3m above the ground surface
Criteria: If the floor area of the tent is greater than 500m²
Criteria: If the plan area of the tent is more than 100m² and less than 500m²
Building permit required: No – however must comply with the requirements of Queensland Development Code MP3.2 - Tents
Criteria: With a floor area less than 100m²
Building permit required: No
Criteria: Not higher than 2m above the ground level; and Not used for swimming pool fences
Criteria: More than 3m above the ground surface
Important information
Temporary buildings and structures that don’t need a development approval for building work are still required to comply with relevant provisions of the Building Code of Australia, Australia Standards, manufacturer’s requirements, industry standards and the like.
If you require a development approval for building work or require further information please contact us on 131 872.
In conducting the event, you must take all reasonable and practical measures to minimise environmental impacts. These include:
When selecting the venue and the entertainment, consideration should be given to the level of noise, light and dust emanating from the venue.
You must take all reasonable and practical measures to minimise noise, light and dust nuisance.
Give consideration to the placement of your stage area to assist with noise and light (including directing speakers and lights away from residents and businesses).
For noise we recommend you use sound level monitoring equipment throughout the duration of the event. Any amplified sound must comply with the Environmental Protection Act 1994. Penalties may apply if noise levels are exceeded. Please note that if the event holds a liquor permit alternate noise criteria will apply.
Sound recordings and the composition of musical works are protected under copyright and require approval from the owners to play in public. To find out if you need a license for your particular use of music more information is available from the Australasian Performing Rights Association Limited/Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society Limited website or the Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Limited website
You may need to pay a separate license fee to screen a movie or TV show in public. For more information contact the distributor of the film or TV show.
Noise and light nuisance of these activities will need to be considered.
If the existing Council controlled electrical facilities are not sufficient for the event, you may need to use generators. Always follow the manufacturer’s instruction in the operator’s manual. The hazards of incorrect generator use are poisoning from toxic engine exhaust, electric shock, electrocution, fire, and contact with hot surfaces.
Please consider the following and address them in your Risk Assessment:
For outdoor events in particular, the prevailing weather conditions should be a major factor in choosing the date and time for the event.
In Queensland, severe storms and lightning strikes can occur during the summer period. An unexpected storm at a large outdoor event can cause erratic crowd behaviour and panic, structural damage, risk of electrocution and the delay or cancellation of the event. Technology now provides event managers and emergency service personnel with access to regular weather and storm reports and the opportunity to develop a range of contingency plans in response to an anticipated adverse weather change.
Council reserves the right to withdraw an approval for an activity at any time if it is believed weather/ground conditions will result in damage to the area or prove unsafe for the user.
As the event organiser, you may be responsible for supplying additional bins specifically for rubbish generated at the event site and surrounding areas.
Council may assist with additional bin requirements and extra waste collection services.
A sustainable event takes measures to minimise its environmental impact by adopting best management practice in recycling and waste, purchasing and packaging options and clean-up regime. This can be achieved by: • Providing a bin infrastructure system that is clearly signed and strategically placed to make it easy for people to do the right thing; • Providing a bin servicing and litter collection regime that encourages everyone to keep the site clean; • Allocating designated smoking only areas with ‘butt out’ facilities and infrastructure to assist smokers to butt it, then bin it; • Working with stallholders and food vendors to achieve recyclable and biodegradable packaging.
Events - Waste collection service form (online)
Events - Waste collection service form (for print)
As the event organiser, you may be required to supply additional toilet facilities specifically for attendees of the event.
Toilet facilities must comply with the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.
It is important that they are: • Accessible for people with disabilities; • Cleaned and re-stocked regularly (at your expense); • Located away from food service or food storage areas; • Weather protected; • Fitted with a sharps disposal unit; • Well lit so as not to become a security or safety risk.
If the event is likely to attract families, consideration should also be given to providing baby change facilities.
To ensure that there is a suitable number of toilets at an event the Australian Emergency Manual recommend the following as a guide.
< 500:
< 1000
< 2000
< 3000
< 5000
Each female toilet must have 1 sanitary convenience bin that is regularly emptied.
Duration of the event: 8 hours plus
Duration of the event: 6 to 8 hours
Duration of the event: 4 to 6 hours
Duration of the event: Less than 4 hours
At least 1 unisex toilet and a handbasin for the disabled is required.
For events less than four hours duration, the number of toilet facilities may be reduced by 30%. Toilets must be regularly serviced throughout the event to ensure that they are clean and that a continuous supply of water, soap, paper hand towel and toilet paper is provided. Where portable chemical type units or effluent holding tanks are used for events longer than four hours, they must be located so that they can be pumped out during the event.
In determining the number of toilets you may also like to consider: • The duration of the event. • The type of crowd. • Whether the event is pre-ticketed and numbers known or unticketed. • Staggering finishing times where there are multi functions. • The weather. • The number of attendees at the event at any one given time. • What toilets maybe in close vicinity to the event that could be utilised. Eg. Shops that maybe open
If the event includes domestic animals, Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) requires that all animals be under effective control or contained within an appropriate enclosure at all times. Further, as the event organiser is in charge of the animals please ensure you clean up after them. Protecting the community against risk of injury and damage is paramount while ensuring the animals do not create a nuisance. For more information please contact us on 131 872
Under our local laws, any sleeping, occupying or remaining overnight in a Council controlled park or reserve is a restricted activity. Permission will only be granted under the direct written authorisation of the CEO or appointed delegate. Conditions and fees will apply.
Ensure all amusement ride operators provide Council with copies of their certificate of Registrable Plant. Animal contact amusement operator’s e.g. animal farms or petting zoos are required to operate within the Infection Control Guidelines for Animal Contact. For a copy of these guidelines phone Queensland Health on 137 468 or visit the Queensland Health website .
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