Preparing a quality development application and checking that it is properly made is key to ensuring it can be fully assessed in a timely manner. If an application is ‘not properly made’ as defined by the Planning Act 2016’, it can result in time delays, and the application being unable to be accepted. An application for subdivision is referred to as a Reconfiguring a Lot application.

How to prepare a properly made application

A properly made application complies with the legislative requirements in Section 51 of the Planning Act 2016 and must include the following:

Mandatory requirements for reconfiguring a lot application

  • A site plan that clearly identifies proposed lots and, at a minimum, includes information identifying road centrelines, proposed intersections and cul-de-sac heads, proposed open space and drainage reserves (refer to the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning “DA Forms Guide: Relevant plans” for further details);
  • A statement about how the proposed development addresses the planning scheme and any other documents that are relevant to the application; and
  • Additional relevant information can assist in Council’s assessment of the application and contribute to a timely decision.  In the case of subdivision by lease, three copies of the relevant agreement, dealing or instrument executed by the parties concerned are to be submitted with the application together with copies of the plans incorporated in the agreement, dealing or instrument.

Schedule 6 Planning Scheme Policies (PSP) Section SC6.1.6 of the Planning sets out additional information requirements triggered development applications.

The following may be required to be submitted to support a development application:

  • Bushfire hazard overlay code
    • A site-specific Bushfire Hazard Assessment and Bushfire Management Plan may be required;
  • Flood hazard overlay code
    • Flood hazard assessment may be required;
  • Environmental significance overlay code
    • An Ecological Assessment Report may be required;
  • Agricultural land overlay code
    • Land Resource Assessment
  • Neighbourhood character overlay code
    • A Neighbourhood Character Assessment
  • Heritage overlay code 
    • A Heritage Impact Statement and Conservation Management Plan may be required;
  • Extractive industry overlay code
    • A Biodiversity Impact Assessment,
    • An Environmental Management Plan,
    • An Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan,
    • A Noise And Vibration Impact Assessment,
    • An  Air Pollution Management Plan,
    • A Water Management Plan,
    • A Traffic Analysis and a Management Plan;
  • Integrated water cycle management code 
    • A Stormwater Quality Management plan, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Waste Water Management Plan and a Monitoring and Maintenance Plan
  • Transport, access and parking code:
    • Preparation of a traffic impact assessment report
  • Landslide hazard overlay code:
    • A site specific Geo-Technical Analysis may be required.

In some instances, the State Government, or another agency, has an interest in a development application. These development applications are required to be lodged to these agencies for their comment as well. Other agencies can include the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service, or Ergon Energy. The Planning Regulation 2017 sets out when another agency is required to have input into an application.

Some of these triggers can include, but not limited to:

  • development on or near a state-controlled road;
  • development near a railway line; or
  • development located in an easement for the benefit of distribution of electricity.

The applicant will be required to contact the relevant referral agency to determine their requirements.

How to submit an application

Online - preferred method

Further information about the online portal can be found in the 'Submit a development application' article.


PDF applications can be emailed to

In person

PDF applications can be submitted in person to your local customer service centre.

The application must be submitted to meet Council’s requirements.

Tracking my application

After submission, your application can be tracked on Development.i


Related information

Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme

Planning Regulation 2017

Planning Act 2016


Further assistance

For further information please contact the Technical Advice Officers on 131 872, or visit your nearest Customer Service Centre.