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Council undertakes planning studies to guide the future growth of the Toowoomba Region. The outcomes of these investigations inform the planning scheme, as well as other planning strategies and design projects. These studies consider a broad range of issues including future land use needs, infrastructure issues, development constraints and areas with values that should be preserved. The studies include mapping, data or other technical information.
Fourteen planning studies were undertaken during the preparation of the planning scheme and were finalised in 2010. The outcomes of these studies informed the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme. Updates of these studies and new studies inform future amendments of the planning scheme.
The planning studies are provided for background information and reference material only, and should not be relied upon as part of the development assessment process. The studies are not a statement of Council policy and do not represent an adopted Council policy position.
Residential Land Use Study (2009) investigates the issues and options relating to future residential development in the region. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Industrial Land Use Study (2010) investigates the issues and options relating to future industrial development in the region. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Industrial Land Use Study (2012) - update investigated economic activity associated with the growth of the Surat Basin and South West Queensland, land supply requirements to 2031 and implications for the industrial land use strategy for the Toowoomba Region. It was undertaken after the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme was adopted.
Activity Centres Study (2009) investigates the issues and options relating to future commercial and retail development in the region. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Commercial & Retail land needs review (2012) investigates economic and major development changes that occurred since 2009 that may influence commercial and retail land supply in the region. The study has 2 parts. Commercial & Retail land needs component 1 provides an updated economic assessment of the commercial and retail sectors, including land supply demand. Commercial & Retail land needs component 2 considers opportunities for large footprint development within the Toowoomba City centre, including demonstration structure plans illustrating design principles and outcomes consistent with the Toowoomba City Centre Master Plan.
Bushfire Hazard Study (2009) identifies areas of potential bushfire hazard within the region and the development issues that should be addressed in those areas. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Flood Study (2009) consolidates existing flood related information and recommends how that information should be used to guide development in those areas. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Flood studies for a safer, stronger, more resilient region (2015) - following extensive flooding across the region in December 2010 and January 2011, Council commissioned flood studies in 35 locations across the region to better understand how flooding impacts our communities. These flood studies incorporate the latest data, modelling techniques and community input. These studies inform the Flood Risk Assessment, Planning Evaluation and Scheme Amendment [FRAPESA] project.
Steep and Unstable Land Study (2009) identifies areas of steep and unstable land within the region and development assessment issues that should be addressed in those areas. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Vegetation Study (January 2010) identifies known areas of significant vegetation within the region and the development issues that should be addressed in those areas. The Vegetation Extension Study July 2010 is an update that includes improved vegetation mapping through additional field survey and sampling, remote sensing, aerial photography interpretation and modelling. It addresses the deficiencies highlighted in the previous vegetation and bushfire hazard planning studies. These studies were undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Wetland and Waterways Study (2009) identifies significant wetlands and waterways within the region and the development issues that should be addressed in those areas. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Rural Land Use Study (2009) investigates the issues and options relating to the use and development of land within the rural parts of the region. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Scenic Amenity Study (2009) identifies the landscapes within the region that are valued by the community and options available to protect them. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Heritage and Urban Character Study (2010) identifies places of heritage significance and urban character and makes recommendations on how the values in those areas could be protected. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Open Space Network Study (2012) analyses the existing supply of open space within the region and provides recommendations on open space needs in the future and how they should be met. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012. This work has now been updated by the Open Space Strategy 2016.
Open Space Strategy (2016) provides the framework for protecting, enhancing and managing open spaces in the region. The strategy outlines the minimum standard of service for parks, and is the basis for open space delivery through the Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
Regional Strategic Sport and Recreation Plan (2010) analyses the existing supply of sport and recreation facilities in the region and provides recommendations on sport and recreation facility needs in the future and how they should be met. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
Transport Study (2010) investigates the issues and options relating to transport within the region. This study was undertaken as background to the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme 2012.
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